Archive recipe: Brampton pease pudding

Brampton pease pudding Traditional Lakeland cooking with Mrs Simkins (November 2018) Pease pudding on toast Ingredients Serves eight or more   500g (1lb) split yellow peas, soaked overnight in cold water 1 medium-large onion, peeled and diced 25g (1oz) butter,...

Archive recipe: Simnel Cake

Simnel Cake  Mothering Sunday: piece of cake, by Louise Flanders (March 2016) No place for Judas in the traditional simnel cake to be presented on Mothering Sunday Ingredients To make simnel cake you will need an eight-inch circular cake tin, buttered and lined with...

Archive recipe: Elderflower Cordial

Elderflower Cordial Summer of flower power, by Louise Flanders (June 2015) The song Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer does not reflect my own summer: that’s just a fantasy for me. Lighter nights extend the days, which allows more work to be done in the business,...